
Blue Ship
The Haven
West Sussex
RH14 9BS.
(01403) 822709.


Mon-Sat 11-3, 6-11; Sun 12-3.30; 7-10.30  



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Blue Ship  

A national inventory pub for its heritage. Set in lovely countryside, this red brick pub looks pretty ordinary form the outside, but is a gem inside.

The main room ihas beams and brick floors along with an inglenook fireplace. Seating is on benches at rustic tables - note the jugs on the mantelpiece and the old pictures on the walls.

The interesting thing about the Ship is that there is no bar area at all. The beer is served from a hatch directly from the cask - rather like the old off sales used to be. This means there is no focal point to congregate as people cant hog the bar that doesn't exist.

There is a smaller bar to the rear that has a stone flagged floor. Here there is a similar arrangement with serving beer. This is really what a rustic pub should be and with no music or mobile phones allowed.

The good news is that both children and dogs on leads are welcome.

The fire warms in winter and for summer you can sit in the extensive outdoor area.

Food is available both lunchtimes and evenings, but only Tuesdays to Saturdays 7-9.15.

There are two no smoking rooms here at the back and a small games room for bar billiards.

A gem, visit before the inevitable.........



None as yet 





beer, food, disabled access, beer garden, real fire, no smoking, kids, car park, pets allowed 


©Beerguide 2025


Badger K&B Sussex
Badger Best.



The Larches
28 Rusper Road, Horsham.
RH12 4BD. (01403) 263392
From: D:£25-28pp S:£25-28.
